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My Magical Calendar

by | Oct 24, 2013 | Lifestyle, Productivity, Spiritual | 2 comments

It’s a wonder that someone like me gets anything done at all. True, I am a woman in the prime of my life, owner of a hustling & bustling clothing company. But that’s not all, I’m also a full time wifey (cooking, cleaning, the works), the mother of three nearly grown people and a one year old! I also strive to be a great daughter, a dependable friend and forever student of life, all of which require time and patience and dedication and Love. Many of you have asked me how I do it all, so I’ve decided to share a few of my productivity secrets here in the Sweet Skins blog.

 I used to hate the idea of being on a schedule. I never lasted long at a job (the combination of needing to be somewhere at an externally imposed time & in an assigned uniform, yuck! not for me.) I even home schooled my kids for several years, in large part to avoid scrunching my family into someone else’s schedule. That worked pretty well for us for a while, but now that I’ve got my own business, on top everything else, the ‘when-the-mood-strikes-me’ method of accomplishing tasks can cause a tremendous amount of back-ups in the system, fast! If you are an over-achiever like me (meaning you bite off way more than you can humanly chew), you may accumulate endless to-do lists. on sticky notes. on scraps of paper. on your phone. on your computer. each day you scratch off a few items, and add a ton more. It took me years of hearing the advice “put it on the calendar” for me to really understand HOW to do that. It sounded so simple, but I literally didn’t get how to decide where to put what, when..?

It all started coming together when I gave some thought to the origin of each day’s name sake, and the ancient wisdom behind them. Sunday isn’t called Sunday because it has a cute ring to it. Sunday is actually the day for worshiping our Sun. the center of your Universe. You and your Higher Self (or your God). That’s why you don’t work on Sunday! Some go to church on Sunday. Some make time for self care and meditation. Sunday illuminates our Goal. It’s the perfect day to turn within, connect with our inner selves and Give Thanks! Whatever it is that feeds your soul, make time for it on Sunday!

Monday is the “Moon” day. The Moon is associated with all thing domestic (and ‘motherly’). On Monday I keep it pretty relaxed. I sweeping the floor. I go to the grocery store. and pull out the crock pot. I make time to get in a little one-on-one time with my kids on Mondays. On Monday’s I keep my work to mostly that of the domestic sort.

Tuesday: Woo hoo, I love Tuesdays! Tuesday’s are backed by the Power of Mars! It is the work force day. Watch out world, I’m taking Little Man to his Play School and Mama’s gonna kick some major ass working on Sweet Skins. I put some big, important powerful “get ‘er done!” type of tasks on Tuesday. Don’t ask me to meet you for lunch on this day, I’m working straight through & lovin’ it!

Wednesday: Because it is ruled by Mercury, Wednesday is the best day for communication and correspondence. Don’t be surprised if you are more quick witted on Wednesday. This the day of the week when I really dive into the email ‘stack’. make those phone calls. and generally schedule anything that involves outreach.


Thursday: Is ruled by Jovial Jupiter. Jovial indeed, but Jupiter IS also the Big Boss. It’s a day for diplomacy. for getting the team together. holding a pep rally. Thursday is a day for teaching my intern a thing or two. It’s great for banking and financial planning. It is a day to tally up my successes, and paying the bills.

Friday: Is Freyja’s day. The day of Love & Beauty. It’s the sexiest day of the week. I make the effort to dress up a bit more than usual on Fridays. and schedule in any social events or lunch dates. On Friday’s I do work, but I do creative things like designing new styles, and playing with fabric & color (‘cause to me, that’s a Party!).

Saturday: Saturday is ruled by the Taskmaster Saturn. True, true Saturn is the lord of  structure, but that doesn’t have to take all the fun out of Saturday. In addition to all the hard work and structure, Saturn is about reaping the reward. It’s a good day to look over the P & L’s. structure the weeks spending and buying plans. Saturday is the day to pull together any random To-Do lists that may have sprouted up over the week, and begin plugging each task into Your Magical Calendar, one at a time on the most fitting day of the upcoming week. or month. or whenever it needs to be done. Don’t be scared to plan ahead. The further the better. If you need to do it once a month, schedule it out for the whole darn year! Whatever little tasks are required to make your Dreams come true.. put them on the Calendar!

And now, that your coming out of the fog as far as when to schedule what, get firm about it (not strict, but firm) and put yourself 100% into whatever you are doing each day. be fully present each moment. and don’t worry your head about what’s on tomorrow agenda. You are living today to the fullest. This is where the magic happen!


  1. Michele

    I really love your”schedule” Mira. Totally makes sense to me. I usually do not spend much time reading blogs etc. but I am really glad I did.

  2. kim

    Hi Mira! I’m a friend of Heidi Johnson, mother of an 11-month-old, freelancer. Just wanted to thank you for this!! I haven’t ever thought of it like this before & I love it!! I think this harmony is just what I need to keep my to-do list flowing.


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