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love our Super Models

by | Dec 10, 2022 | Creative, Culture, Fashion, Lifestyle, People | 4 comments

One of the coolest parts of my job, is working with the ladies. First of all, most of our models are just women, not super models! But that’s why I think they’re super. I’ve pretty much learned how to smoothly approach women on the street. Or online. We find each other, one way or another. Yes, I am looking for beauty. But not just a pretty face, I am looking for uniqueness and it’s personality. When I have my heart set on a model, it can be hard to convince we settle for someone else.

As life would have it, I meet the most amazing women this way. Idk if it helps that I am a complete spazz on photo-shoot days. Always! So if they get through the time with me, and we end up laughing and acting like kids, and they haven’t judged me.. well that says a lot about being them being a cool person. I guess that kind of breaks the ice. I’m not sure if owning Sweet Skins is the reason that I am blessed with such a plethora of amazing women in my life, but it certainly is part of it. After I’ve done a photo-shoot with a women who I didn’t really know, we kind of do know each other. We inevitable shared some personal stuff, we were vulnerable, (me with my awkwardness, she with the nudity of outfit changes). Forever after, every time I see our pictures, my heart feel warm and fuzzy.. Yes, we’re friends. And if we were already friends, then you found yourself spontaneously modeling for Sweet Skins, well that’s par for course. Thank you; I love you! To know me, is to try stuff on for me, and low-key model for me, from time to time. I really do not select my friends based on beauty; but somehow they are just all beautiful. I am surrounded by beauty. And not the skin deep kind, the inside & out kind! Or connect and make art and make magic, and we bring out each others beauty, or the world just feels like a better place we come together for a photo shoot. 📸


  1. Tina

    You know, I have been thinking about something that I observe as a woman who is 51 years old. I went to a sale in your warehouse last year and every woman there was somewhere around my age, I was there for over two hours figuring out what I wanted to purchase. When I notice another woman in town (Eugene area) wearing something from Sweet Skins, they are usually above 40.
    While I appreciate the efforts to advertise with beautiful models of color and different lovely size bodies, I am saddened that middle age and older woman are not included as part of the platform of woman showcased to sell your wears. Ageism is real and woman often become invisible at a certain age. Increasingly in the last decade or so, older women are being shown to appear 10, 20, 30 years younger and it is insulting. It all adds to the social message that we are only important and seen when we look radiantly young. I ask that Sweet Skins consider this and add models who truly embody their age at 50 and over to represent all ages of the lifespan and what each age represents visually.

    • Sweet Skins Hemp

      Thanks for your feedback! We would absolutely love some older models. You would be surprised by how hard it is to convince mature women to model for us! We don’t use profession models, we use real women who meet day to day. Unfortunately, young women are way more willing to model! But your comment is a great challenge and we’re to work harder to grant your wish, as we truly agree with you! Mature women are fabulous, and may just need some extra encouragement to ‘show off’ a bit! 💖

      • Michele Messere legg

        It is so refreshing to see actual realistic women in clothes on a website. I am purchasing for the first time today from your site and this is a big part of why. Can’t wait to try on my purchase I will send a photo.🌏✌️

  2. Shelby Mann

    I really love your clothes thank you for showing me some really appreciate it


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