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love our Super Models

love our Super Models

One of the coolest parts of my job, is working with the ladies. First of all, most of our models are just women, not super models! But that’s why I think they’re super. I’ve pretty much learned how to smoothly approach women on the street. Or online. We find each other, one way or another. Yes, I am looking for beauty. But not just a pretty face, I am looking for uniqueness and it’s personality. When I have my heart set on a model, it can be hard to convince we settle for someone else.

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Fashion is deep sh*t

Fashion is deep sh*t

A lot of people think fashion is a shallow thing. That fashion designer is a non-essential, materialist occupation. Yes, I do see a lot of material. But the reason I do it, is because of the smiles. You see, in truth, clothing is one of the most fundamental forms of...

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Secret Skate

Secret Skate

  Pre- 2020 I had three dance classes a week. It was like a dream. Drop my kiddo off and start my day with dance! And Thursday evening, my sweet Hula classes.. 🌺  It was all taken from me, never to return. I've been pretty crushed about it. A few months ago...

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My Space

My Space

I'm so grateful for this space. Few know it, but more than once, I have had to choose between a home and this warehouse. Since my business is my livelihood, and the means to which I have raised 4 kids, I chose a warehouse. And Faith in my ability to be successful. Now...

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Hibiscus Passings

Hibiscus Passings

It seems that my sweet and abundant pink hibiscus has finally finished flowering for the winter. This beautiful plant was a gift from my friend Tanya, and truly the gift that keeps giving. It made stunning flowers from spring time, straight through to  the new year! I...

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Addy’s cookin’

Addy’s cookin’

I usually skip lunch, because it takes up too much of my work day. But sometimes Adelaida brings us her home cookin' and it is sublime. 😍  It's been a lovely, peaceful week of makin-it-work, at the Sweet Skins shop..

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My Shibori weekend

My Shibori weekend

  I finally got to try my hand at Shibori, the Japanese die dying technique! Never mind that I purchased this indigo dye way back in 2015, and it's only taken me a good 6 years to find the time to play!!! And never mind that these items are month late, Christmas...

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Childhood Inspirations

I’ll start this blog by tell you a little something about my history. As I’ve had a most...

My Shibori weekend

  I finally got to try my hand at Shibori, the Japanese die dying technique! Never mind that...

Hibiscus Passings

It seems that my sweet and abundant pink hibiscus has finally finished flowering for the winter....

Sweet Scrap Bundle Contest Winners!

What happens when creativity, love and sweet hemp scraps come together?  Turns out, some pretty...

Jupiter Goes Direct

In Astro News: If you are a dreamer, a doer, an intentional manifester, you may have noticed that...

Road Trippin’

Festival Season is on! Here's a little peak into our recent trip to Cali for the Whole Earth...

New at Sweet Skins

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